Achieve More, Stress Less with FocusList

FocusList, your ultimate productivity companion, is specially designed to help effortlessly tackle daily tasks, grounded by science-based research.
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A purpose-built Productivity Application to help conquer your ADHD challenges

Enhanced Focus and Productivity

FocusList is a specialized focus to-do list application, designed to address the challenges of individuals with ADHD. By providing a structured and prioritized task list, it helps users maintain focus and boosts overall productivity. This helps users stay on track and accomplish more every day.

Reduced Overwhelm and Anxiety

ADHD can often lead to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety due to an abundance of tasks and distractions. FocusList helps users break down their workload into manageable steps, minimizing stress and promoting a sense of accomplishment. By providing a clear roadmap for tasks, users can navigate their day with confidence, knowing they have a reliable tool to keep them organized.

Improved Time Management and Consistency

FocusList excels at helping users manage their time effectively. With features such as time-blocking, prioritization, and progress tracking, users can develop a routine that suits their individual needs. Consistency becomes more achievable, empowering users to establish positive habits and work towards long-term goals without feeling overwhelmed.

How it works

1. Define your Keystone Goal

To win the day you need to identify your Keystone Goal. Your Keystone Goal is the most important task or goal that you want to achieve for the day. It’s incredibly important to identify what you want to achieve before you actually do any work - it’s the equivalent of running full speed in the wrong direction!

2. List Your Tasks

After identifying your Keystone Goal, spend a few minutes at the start of your work day writing out your tasks and subtasks that you want to achieve. FocusList makes this easy by using a text-based input system that allows you to add in a bunch of tasks extremely quickly compared to traditional to-do applications.

3. Automated Task Triage

FocusList will automatically organize and triage your tasks into a prioritized action list, based on a series of factors that the sorting algorithm takes into account. If you disagree with the order of the list you’re free to rearrange the list by dragging and dropping tasks at any time to better meet the requirements of your day.

4. Focus on One Task at a Time

FocusList has now taken care of what and when to do your tasks. Now the fun part starts - focus on doing each task one at a time, knowing this is the best action you need to be taking to achieve the goal for the day.

5. Insightful Analytics

FocusList keeps track of how your are progressing with your tasks and allows you to view advanced insights about how you work, your strengths and weaknesses and behavioral changes to make to be more productive.

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